Wednesday, August 12, 2009

iPod nano is great, so is nike+... guess must be user error again!

I took my lovely hot pink iPod nano and nike+ for a spin this morning. I was so proud of myself to complete my task of a short 30mins run and according to the device, it clocked about 4km which is a hugely remarkable achievement for someone who could barely pass her 2.4km centuries ago during school days.

Happily, I took this reading back home to synch with iTunes and upload to the nike website. But unfortunately (and this is the part when you can hear my heart breaking and eyes filling with tears) the data was not able to be synched to my account in the nike running site. BIG SIGH!

I don't know what went wrong. User error again it seems, but I don't read manuals and expect all CE products to be designed idiot-proof for idiots like me! So, how come such a simple task like synching didn't work? I even approached our default unofficial official Juniper's very own iPod helpdesk officer but neither he could explain or figure out what this idiot here might have done.

I don't think I have the energy to go for another run tommorrow. Besides, have early calls to make once again so no way I'd be able to wake up, jog, shower and go to work in time.

Till then, the mystery remains as so.

1 comment:

  1. The mystery has been solved. By some strange miracle, the data synching worked. Check my running records here,runs,1142168113


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This blog is a space for me to write about my hobbies. I'd like to share where I've been to, what good food I have tasted and things that I'm passionate about. Most importantly, it is about things that stir feelings of emotions. Enjoy.