Monday, August 31, 2009
Gotta calibrate my nike+
But, boy, it was a totally different experience after all.
Perhaps it was just that particular Saturday but at 5pm, it still felt extremely scorching hot for me. I think I've run before around that time of the day, but that Saturday, the heat was not in my favour.
At the on-start, I could already feel 'uncomfortable' but perhaps, it was also because I was trying to pace myself with an expert runner and that'd mean the speed would not be my usual slow-coach one.
A short distance away, there was a toilet break but my ego said no, no, I can push on and didn't take advantage of the opportunity to cool my body down with splashes of water (which I later regretted). And from then on, I felt I was going to die from dehydration or exhaustion but once again, my ego pushed me on as I had previously covered a distance of 8km before.
On the return route, I gladly helped myself to the cool water to hose myself down and from then, I felt so much better, like as if the aircon was blowing at me and I could almost sprint my way back. But then, it was the return route, so maybe psychologically too, I was also charged up to complete my run and somehow found the extra energy to push on.
Finally for a few minutes, I managed to 'over take' the expert runner but couldn't sustain my lead for long.
My final nike+ reading showed a distance of 8.51km at a pace of 6:53/km completed in 58 minutes 38 seconds. Minus the inaccuracy of my nike+, I'd say it should have been about a 8km if not, 7km at worst distance.
Felt good and felt proud. But I've got to get to a stage where I can do this and come out breathing normally without panting excessively... like the expert runner.
I can get there... I know I can. Like Nike, just do it.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ichiban Boshi - Oishi desu
Mum and bro had ala carte sushi.
All in all, it's definitely two thumbs up again and a third thumb if we all had extras.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Empire State - I heart New York
We went to "Empire State" at Iluma in Bugis. I had the Empire State beef burger steak (medium rare only of course) and Flo had some spring chicken thing.
We shared half a slab of pork's ribs and it was delicious, delicious, delicious.
I was eyeing the brownie ice cream dessert but we were so full, I had no more space left for it so had to give it a miss this time. Two thumbs up and will seriously consider offering a third if I had one.
Silk Road to spicy haven
Since Colleen was paying, plus knowing how Tina can take her spices, I thought the Silk Road would be a great choice.
Thankfully, most of the guests were happy with the selection - minus Uncle Lam, whose ultra sensitive mouth, couldn't take more of the spicy-ness.
We had the '八宝茶' which was almost everyone's favourite. We had french bean, some toufu thingie which was the appetiser, 宫堡 frog leg and spicy beef cubes.. actually can't really remember what I chose as I just selected anything that had 'chef's' recommendation.
Two thumbs up and will be glad to come back anytime we decide to numb our lips and give our stomach a spicy overhaul.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
This little piggy went wee, wee, wee all the way home
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ajisen Ramen

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Had the cream of vegetable soup, and then the prawn and fruit salad, chicken & mushroom spaghetti (but no cheese... if it helps) and then ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!
Our sets came with a scoop of ice cream already (I originally chose black forest flavour but did a last minute swap with mum for her macademia nuts one), but we ordered more after that.
Sigh, better make sure I do something with my cream overload tomorrow.
Good morning Sunday
Pu Tien, 我来咽!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
TCS Mad Hat Party

The cream soup was 'cold'. The pasta bolognese was average and perhaps it was my fault for ordering it in the first place (I was originally eyeing the aglio olio with tiger prawns), it was boring and the pasta wasn't dried out enough - water from the pasta diluted the tomato based sauce.
I had more fun at the mad hat themed party than Sketches. Happy Birthday to Sia!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ichiban Boshi

Friday, August 14, 2009
Good food, good company
Where's this? 0805

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
iPod nano is great, so is nike+... guess must be user error again!
Happily, I took this reading back home to synch with iTunes and upload to the nike website. But unfortunately (and this is the part when you can hear my heart breaking and eyes filling with tears) the data was not able to be synched to my account in the nike running site. BIG SIGH!
I don't know what went wrong. User error again it seems, but I don't read manuals and expect all CE products to be designed idiot-proof for idiots like me! So, how come such a simple task like synching didn't work? I even approached our default unofficial official Juniper's very own iPod helpdesk officer but neither he could explain or figure out what this idiot here might have done.
I don't think I have the energy to go for another run tommorrow. Besides, have early calls to make once again so no way I'd be able to wake up, jog, shower and go to work in time.
Till then, the mystery remains as so.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Where's this? 0804

Dinner tonight was a Marina Square at this Chinese restaurant. We ordered the 'healthy set' for 4 pax, deemed as less salt and less oil. However, Sunny also ordered the dong po pork which was deliciously sinful which I think kind of defeated the purpose of the 'healthy set'.
A 4pax set, cost about $97plus after discount, came with about 6 dishes selection - fish maw soup, spinach, fish slices, duck in special herb sauce, mushroom galore and dessert of 'gui ling gao' which I hated, but is supposedly good for you, especially if you're prone to keeping late nights.
Guess where this is?
3 Things about me
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 3's, tag 26 people (in the right hand corner of the app), then click publish.) Over
Three names I go (have gone) by:
1. Ah Hua (or Ah Girl)
2. Yue
3. Cin
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Marcom Executive
2. Product Manager
3. Sr. Marketing Manager
Three Places I have lived:
1. Normanton Park
2. Kembangan
3. Whampoa (no, not referring to current place but we've lived here before)
Three Favorite drinks:
1. Anything citric (eg. Lime juice, plum juice, lemonade, vodka lime)
2. Wine (Currently, into whites now like Sauvignon Blanc or Riesling)
3. Coffee
Three TV shows that I watch (only 3?? It's killing me):
1. Crime and punshiments ones (CSI, Law & Order SVU, Criminal Minds etc)
2. Reality ones related to fashion (ANTM, Project Runway)
3. Reruns (Friends, E.R. etc)
Three Places I Have Been:
1. London, England
2. New York City, USA
3. Beijing, China
Three people who I talk to and/or Facebook with regularly:
1. Jac Hoe
2. CK Lam
3. Please insert your name here
Three of my favorite restaurants:
1. Angus Steak House
2. Jade
3. Long Beach Seafood
Three friends I think will respond:
1. Jac Hoe
2. June Loh
3. Please insert your name here
Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. 2010
2. Finishing my 10km run and still breathe
3. Hoi An
Three Places I would like to visit:
1. Spain
2. Greece
3. Paris, France
Three Important Ingredients of a Lasting Relationship:
1. Mutual understanding
2. Give without expecting returns
3. Commitment
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Twilight Look

Saturday, August 8, 2009
For every input, there has to be output...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where's this? 0803

For mains, by 'recommendation', I ordered the tom yam kar with thai rice noodle and the thai iced tea. Tom yam kar, as I was told, is tom yam with coconut milk.
Both came in orangey coloured shade - the tom yam kar looked suspiciously like laksa while the iced tea looked like some dark carrot juice (just like my celery carrot juice in fact).
Luckily, both tasted pretty alright for me. The tom yam kar was nice, and doesn't taste much like laksa and still retained its tom yam-ness which is spicy and sourish. The noodle was tad hard (maybe they didn't soak it long enough) but wasn't horribly bad.
The thai iced tea, as I was told, was not up to standard but my palates are very easy going. It reminded me of chendol, to the dismay of the original recommender who said it was suppose to taste much better - but I wasn't complaining (except mid way we got our drinks mixed up and might have drank off each other's cups. Lucky for me, I'm H1N1 immune:P)
Dessert was the usual mango sticky rice which I gave a miss but I suspect it should be pretty alright.
Guess where this place is?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Where's this? 0802

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Have you been to ION orchard lately?

It also didn't help that he was a 'jerky' driver... starting and stopping... and I lost count the number of 'could have been' accidents which we mildly avoided.
Anyway, when we got there, boy was ION big... and expensive. The part we got off was the high end fashion label branded stuff. It felt very much like the Times Square in Hong Kong. And I felt abit out of place... and crowd wasn't big either, which is surprising. There was suppose to be an official 'turn on the big screen plasma' at 7.30pm, but we had forgotten it after trying to figure out how to comb the mall.
Then by chance, we found this little alley... "ION station". Could it be a new MRT station? We decided to venture it and lo and behold, it was quite the paradise and it's where more of the 'normal' stuff like Mango, Charles & Keith etc were located. This area was much more crowded, and it is also where the ION food hall was located... and that's where Ah Sui and I hit paradise.
We loaded up the calories and fat with hakka abacus bead, yong tau hu but the fried kinds, fried carrot cakes.... we then proceeded to sin through the night with local desserts at the food court and then drinks at Xin Wang char chan tang. By the time we checked the time, it was about 10+pm. And we haven't finished exploring....
BTW, if you want to know, parking after 5pm at ION is $4.50 per entry. Yes, traffic is indeed 'bizarre' but if you're driving, it's not going to help either.
Where's this? 0709