Monday, May 21, 2012


I finally woke up today, seeking a breath of real fresh air.

After being mentally tormented by a selfish prick for the past 13 months or so, I finally realised it is really time to move on. And I think I am finally ready.

It hadn't been easy as I had somehow unwittingly entered a game where I thought it was all simple and genuine but it stings to know now that it was not so. The one thing I'd be grateful for is that it has in some ways restarted my heart - which I have thought I had long buried it for good.

Hopefully, it's not all too late.

I won't deny that there is still that aching need for me to uncover the numerous questions I have but I know I'd never be able to get any answers no matter how I'd try to dig for it. So I need to lay it to rest.

Prick or no prick; jerk or no jerk, I have already witnessed and experienced enough to know this is a game I have to exit by myself. It was a game that was really out of my league in the first place.

But I am glad I tried because now, the real game will and can begin.

I am sure now that I'd be ready to face all new challenges with a big smile. No more ghosts, no more fear.

I know now what I want and need. All thanks to a no good prick.

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