Saturday, January 1, 2011

My long-range soul resolutions

"I will make effort to plan for a family trip at least once a year and cook one healthy meal once a week."

"I will make time to catch up and connect with my friends at least once a month."

"I will stay focused on working towards financial independence by saving $xxxx/mth." 

"I will care for my body so that I can continue to feel the pleasure of being fit and fully alive as I grow older. Thus, I need to continue with my exercise and watch what I eat."

"I'll find a job or activity that feeds my soul and uses my talents to help others."

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What's Eating You Today?

This blog is a space for me to write about my hobbies. I'd like to share where I've been to, what good food I have tasted and things that I'm passionate about. Most importantly, it is about things that stir feelings of emotions. Enjoy.